To be the coach of your child's soccer team? Never mind President of the United States. And if you elect John McCain that is what she could be in a heart beat.
The even more pivotal question here is do you trust the man that picked her? Do you trust him to pick other really key players in the running of our government like Secretary of State. Maybe Brittney Spears? Madonna for Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare? Paris Hilton for Homeland Security?
I definitely don't trust McCain's vetting staff. They missed a pregnant and unmarried 17 year old family member. And they are suppose to be the party of family values. Remember they want to eliminate most forms of birth control, all abortions, and have kids be celibate until married. Well, Bristol Palin failed that one. An Mummy clearly cannot manage five kids. She is going to keep our country safe from terrorists?
And how compassionate is she to accept this nomination that has thrust her 17 year old daughter, 5 mouths pregnant and unmarried, into the national spotlight. Or leaving the care of a 4 1/2 month old child to a pregnant teenager while on the campaign trail.
So do we really want this woman as Vice-President of the United States: A heart beat away from leader of the free world? John McCain in 72 years old and with a history of health issues. And let us not forget he was a prisoner of war. Yes, he has a distinguished service history, but on the whole prisoners of war don't live as long as people that were never imprisoned, starved, tortured, deprived of exercise. And there is the melanoma. But I don't think he is thinking straight.
This is what I would expect of Groucho Marx not someone that is running for president of the United States. Maybe he is just grooming his third wife? But the really, really, really scary part of this whole Palin business is nobody in his staff could talk him out of it. Richard Nixon was a loose cannon that did what he wanted even when it smacked of the Third Reich. And GW Bush has invaded any country he has wanted to (though in all fairness I think some of his key staff wanted that too - did they think they were playing a war game). Are we going from cowboy diplomacy to playboy diplomacy?
Should the worst happen and we lose a president to assassination or natural causes I would much rather Joe Biden than Dick Cheney or Sarah Palin. You?
sorry, but Obama scares me-frightens me much more than Palin ever would.
ReplyDeletewith Obama as President he will push our nation into socialism, take away our 2nd amendment rights, and puts us further in debt with very high taxes-especially is plan to add taxes to my retirement investments, home sales, death tax, etc etc.
He is a glorious speaker with followers following along like someone would an evangelist.-scarey
I think your blog is really funny! You do have a great talent for writing!
ReplyDeleteI come from a wonderful family. As a teenager I was also pregnant at the age of 17. It was not a result of bad parenting, but rather poor personal choices that landed me in my predicament. I imagine I could have aborted my child and lived the rest of my life knowing that I had been responsible for ending my son's life.
Sarah is no different than multitudes of American women who's teenage girls become pregnant. The difference is that Sarah will become a grandmother, regardless of whether she becomes our next vice president.
Isn't it amazing how far we have come as women? We owe a lot to Women's Suffrage. This year we have been afforded an opportunity to choose from two different women!
I enjoy visiting blogs such as yours and hearing a different perspective.
To answer your question, I'd much rather have Sarah than Joe.
Rather Obama than McCain and rather Biden than Palin - and I'm not even American.
ReplyDeleteI have a problem with a woman who will kill anything except a foetus, doesn't believe in sex education, makes moose burgers and denies that there is such a thing as global warming. I am not an ardent supporter of Pro Life for many reasons, I believe children should be given sex education whether at home or school in order to avoid teenage pregnancies - children having children and I am not a vegetarian. Perhaps when the Democrats get into power they should seriously think about giving Alaska its independence!! Seeing it's so near to Russia which according to Mccain makes Palin a whizz at foreign policy!! Oh please.............
How truly mis-informed that first comment is.
ReplyDeleteThis woman will help to march us backwards, yet, women voters will fall for this right-wing gimmick and vote for her anyway...simply based on mis-information. And, frankly, I don't care about Palin's personal life. That's her business. Too bad she can't see fit to stay out of mine, or other women's.
Obama will not "take away your guns" - he's not into dismantling the Constitution. There are hundreds of other issues that are his priority. He is NOT raising taxes, that is a republican lie. The only taxes being raised are on the corporates. And I don't think they'll miss the cash.
Just take a little time to look it over:
And I have never viewed Obama as someone to blindly follow. I chose him because of his intellegence and the way he articulates his ideas. And I don't rely on others to form my opinions...I look, listen, and read up for myself.
I must admit to finding the response to this woman mystifying. Only 18% of the delegates to the RNC were female so I would have to say that party is out of touch with women and yet Cindy Lou is in love with her.
ReplyDeleteI like Obama and his reasoned approach to the issues. Like djeseru commented he has never said he will take away our guns or raise our taxes. In fact in view of the Supreme Court decision on Washington, DC's gun law I doubt anyone could take away our guns.
And if you are against abortion do not have one. We should not legislate morals or attempt to win the post of "leader of the free world" through smear campaigns and scare tactics. I thought we proved that with GW Bush.
Hi Charlie! I never claimed to be in love with Sarah. Those are your words not mine. I simply would choose her over Biden or Cheney, as your last question posed.
ReplyDeleteYou wrote..."And if you are against abortion do not have one." Yet you criticized Sarah's daughter for being pregnant?
Allow me to quote you..."We should not legislate morals or attempt to win the post of "leader of the free world" through smear campaigns and scare tactics."
The laws of this country are infact based on personal morals rooted in Judeo-Christian beliefs. Are you not smearing others in your blog who's values you disagree with? When you strip away titles such as woman and Democrat are you not left with what it is you believe in...AKA morals? Just something for you to think about.
Governor Palin is also against the teaching of sex education in schools and evidently also at home. And would force that opinion on all of us. Just say no did not work for drugs and obviously does not work for sex even when you are carting the little darlings off to church weekly.
ReplyDeleteI do think I would take Palin over Cheney but not over Biden. And for the record the founding fathers of the US were Dioists and also members of a fraternity most Christians are against. Christianity is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution. And In God we Trust could be anyone's God.
Palin supporters are not going to like what I am about to post but I don't like what she said. And if this is the thinking man's crumpet and the woman of today's advocate, then expect real trouble.
ReplyDelete"The internet was on fire over weekend after the liberal internet columnist Charley James accused the polarizing Governor of Alaska of making a racist, sexist remark to friends while dining at a restaurant in Alaska just after Barack Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
"So Sambo beat the bitch," she said, according to James, whose source was the waitress who served Mrs Palin. No one else has interviewed the waitress - known only as Lucille - to confirm it and none of the other diners have come forward.But it was James's exhibit A in an article that accused Mrs Palin of being "openly racist" and "vindictive and mean"."
She and Pat Buchanan make tarred with the same brush, make good bed fellows. Go and read about her anti semitism.
Sarah Palin is on a power trip. She may appeal to a great many women who see her as being like themselves - the working Mother, family flaws, juggling children etc.. etc.. but believe it - that's where the likeness tops. Women like her to not have other women's best interests at heart. Watch this space!
Hi Charley! :) I wasn't aware that Sarah was against sex education in the schools. I haven't seen her quoted anywhere. I'm not a member of her family and am not aware of what she teaches her children in her home. Do you care to give me your sources in her own words?
ReplyDeleteI was taught sex education in the home and at school. Infact both times I've been pregnant in my life, I was on birth control. It was a personal choice to have sex to begin with, regardless of what I was taught.
I am in agreement with your statement that just say no does not work for every child. I think it's exceptionally unrealistic in today's society.
Christianity is infact mentioned several times in the Constitution and in The Declaration of Independence:
“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitles them . . .
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights . . .
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
”The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 6. The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I. The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7.
What does the reference to Sunday in Article I, Section 7 above [“If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) . . .”] constitute? It reflects the thinking that underlies what are commonly called “Blue Laws” and demonstrates that the framers of the Constitution did not have a non-theistic, abstract concept of law. The federal courts, in striking down state laws about Sunday, have done so recognizing that these laws reflect a commitment to a Christian understanding of the Ten Commandments:
“The parentage of these laws is the Fourth Commandment; and they serve and satisfy the religious predispositions of our Christian communities.” (The Supreme Court’s 1961 ruling on four separate cases, challenging Sunday closing laws: McGowan v. Maryland; Two Guys from Harrison-Allentown v. McGinley; Braunfeld v. Brown; and Gallagher v. Crown Kosher Supermarket) Article I, Section 7 demonstrates that the Moral Law of God, as understood by the followers of the Christian faith, is the foundation of our Civil Laws.
Thomas Jefferson was a Daoist, not a Dioist...lmao!! ;)
As a Christian and an American I respect the rights of those who do indeed have the freedom to worship or believe in any way they see fit. I don't force my beliefs on others and defend those with opposite beliefs to ensure my personal freedoms. When a person associates themselves with any group, be it Christian, Muslim, or Agnostic society loads on the transgressions of all members of that group. Don't we all in a sense play God in judging one another? No matter our affiliation politically or otherwise, we are all simply human and imperfect.
You know Charlie, most politicians are liars and here we sit defending them. Thank you for the thought exchange and allowing me to voice my opinion via your blog
Sorry spelling error on Daoist. My latin languages got in the way. And what you quote on the constitution is in defense of faith and not any specific faith. It is not definitely Christian over all others.
ReplyDeleteAs to the ten commandments they were rewrites of Hannarobi's laws predating Christianity and are believed by many religions and governments to be the basis of all civil order.
How the constitution has been amended or acted upon subsequent to its origins that could well be a judge forcing his religious beliefs upon the original words. Almost all religions have a day of rest. A day of rest figures highly in the old testament is not specifically Christian.
The sources for Palin being against Sex Education in schools are numerous including quotes from Palin herself.
And the Christian religious in the past and currently have judged more people for not being of the correct faith than many other religions. In fact belief in Jesus as savior has been the reason behind the massacre of millions.
What happened to love one another? Or do unto others as you would do unto yourself?
And I appreciate the debate. It has been the political policy lately to merely condemn and not to reason. Discourse was considered pivotal by our founding fathers for a healthy representative government. And yet we have been reduced to screaming unsubstantiated lies at each other in catchy sound bytes.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteActually I spelled it wrong's Deist. ;)
ReplyDeleteHannarobi's laws consist of 282 codes/laws for magistrates in regards to property rights, liability, and criminal intent. Mesopotamian law does not clearly define law because it is so incredibly unorganized and contradictory. For example:
196. If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out.
198. If he put out the eye of a freed man, or break the bone of a freed man, he shall pay one gold mina.
Conspiracy theories such as the one you assert hold no water and are considered anti-Christian.
You can interpret the Constitution in any way that suits your belief system, and I will as well. ;)
You wrote: "And the Christian religious in the past and currently have judged more people for not being of the correct faith than many other religions. In fact belief in Jesus as savior has been the reason behind the massacre of millions." The Christian religion is not responsible for judging people or the massacre of millions."
It is individuals who are responsible for hurting others, who have used the name of God or Jesus to further their personal agenda, which is SO wrong. Like I stated in my last response..."When a person associates themselves with any group, be it Christian, Muslim, or Agnostic society loads on the transgressions of all members of that group." People who have claimed to be Agnostics, Atheists, Christians, Muslims, etc., have all killed others. Killing is not an attribute of a religion, it is a human attribute. I am only accountable for my own actions...and you your own, regardless of what titles we give ourselves.
"What happened to love one another? Or do unto others as you would do unto yourself?" wrote. I see acts of kindness everyday. I endeavor to treat others how I would like to be treated. Goodness is alive and well. Perhaps not in the media. Just look around you.
My life experiences have lead me to my beliefs, and the same can be said about yours. We could debate for hours and still walk away feeling the same. As an American I'll always defend your right to freedom even if I don't happen to agree with what you believe. That's what being an American is all about, my friend.
This began as a political blog and seems to have degenerated into religious opinion. Above my pay grade. If you feel so strongly, Cindy Lou, about what you see as the religious aspects of politics then I suggest you devote your blog to it and not mine.
ReplyDeleteOh God - why do a great many of your blogs end in a religious discussion?????? You seem to attract them!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's the hat!!!
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me, that our politics at the core level, stem from who we are and what we believe; about ourselves, our lives, and our environments (friends, homes, spouses, etc., including financial states) So, from that, I extract, do we love? Close up (spouse, family) near by (friends) strangers? In this day, I think, we love with restraint, and rarely. Hate is in vogue. And that, one should be wary of. Very. Very Very. Very Very Very.
ReplyDeleteto quote one of your comments
ReplyDelete"If you feel so strongly, Cindy Lou, about what you see as the religious aspects of politics then I suggest you devote your blog to it and not mine."
I was originally subscribed to this post, but after this comment of yours-this has turned into a one sided "hate" blog towards anyone that doesn't voice your views-and you were asking your readers opinions at the end of this post. at least that is why I voiced my views.
I have entered into healthy political discussions on my main multiply blog, but there is no reason to be out right mean to each other. I won't tolerate this kind of behavior on my blogs.
This is America-and is on of the reasons that makes us a strong country-to be able to talk and debate issues.
But if you followed the whole debate it went from politics to religion and when I voiced my views she said I was anti-Christian which I felt was uncalled for and definitely to founded.
ReplyDeleteSo I just invited her to express her religious bias some place else where she did not feel she had to defame me.
Oops typo "Not Founded"