Intellectual and political journeys of an eccentric artist living in paradise with lots of creative ideas, and a hundred opinions.
Some of which matter.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I think this says it all
I generally avoid MSNBC because they are very conservative and I am not. But a friend recommended this commentary by Keith Olberman. I think this says it all.
What a brilliant and devastating indictment! I didn't know of Keith Olberman, but I reckon that commentary should be compulsory viewing for every US voter.
It was our Dr Samuel Johnson who said "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." And haven't both the Bush administration and the Blair government in the UK literally got away with murder by wrapping themselves in the national flags, and using "9/11tm" and imaginary WMD as an excuse for some of the most incompetent and calculatedly cynical acts in modern political history.
Blair repeatedly lied to the British people regarding WMD (riding on the back of 9/11 to do so). And one good man, the government adviser, Dr David Kelly, killed himself as a result because he couldn't live with those lies.
And "teflon" Blair rides it out, and now has the temerity to lecture us on world religions...
Of course 9/11tm is the perfect shield for the second rate like McCain and Palin to hide behind. Criticise them, and up will be raised "9/11tm" as a rebuke and suggestion of being unpatriotic.
And where exactly is Senator McCain's record of "knowing how to win wars". So far as I know, all he did was get shot down and captured in Vietnam... Not exactly Alexander the Great or Napoleon material, I'd hazard...
Sorry, Jacqui, that was a bit of a rant - just something I feel strongly about.
At least the news over here today suggests that Obama is pulling ahead again in the polls, so the lip-sticked pig may not be leaving her Alaskan sty after all ;-)
I think the part of this video I loved the best other than just the point he makes which agrees with what I have said that the Republicans use and abuse 9/11 is where he says that if McCain knows where Bin Laden is and knows how to get him he is a traitor to not tell the current administration how to do it. Makes him legally an accessory after the fact.
Indeed... what a complete load of "drivel" (to be polite), from McCain. The reality is that although there is approximate knowledge, at times, of what area of the Pakistani "tribal lands" Bin Laden is in, he's seldom in the same place for long. Certainly not long enough for McCain to send in the "She-Pirana" with her AK-47 (which I'd guess is most likely his "cunning plan.")
Re. MSNBC, Jacqui, I think you would enjoy Olbermann as well as Rachel Maddow. They provide a good counterpoint to Faux News. These two are far from conservative. Chris Matthews and David Gregory have seemed fairly even of late. The morning group does irritate me with the conservative tone that comes through.
I ended up watching several of his commentaries all the way back to April. And my friend had also recommended Rachel Maddow. But I was seriously looking for an interview with McCain on MSNBC (a morning show I believe) in which he was mercilessly grilled I understand and got quite hot under the collar.
It was remarked upon by a political panel of reporters that advanced the theory that this has become standard behavior for him (sounds like Nixon) and it is not making any friends at all with the press.
I really liked his logic and he even brought up a couple points I had not considered. I had tried to watch the tribute to 9/11 but found the images too horrific. But I had not been aware, since I was watching later on a video on the net, that it was played at a time that children could watch.
I have long thought the Republicans were using and abusing the victims of 9/11 but he pointed out the full extent of that abuse.
I take it there isn't the kind of TV "watershed" with you, as there is here, which thoretically prevents certain things from being shown when children are likely to be watching (9pm here). The 9/11 footage would certainly, I think, have been one of the barred items.
McCain is showing himself increasingly as both unprincipled and rather stupid. Palin is fraying around the edges, as more about her comes into the public domain. And Obama is inching back up in the polls.
Actually there is. And there was an informal agreement by all networks to show 9/11 footage only after a warning that the content was graphic. But the RNC got around that somehow. Probably lied,or presented the footage to late to review, or blackmailed.
They got very good at the latter following 9/11 when advertising was pulled by Republican companies if they did not like the coverage Bush and 9/11 were getting. They forced anchors into retirement and denied whole networks access to war news, etc. if they misbehaved. Censorship that Hitler would have been proud of.
Fortunately, sometimes such tactics rebound. There ought to be enough disillusionment with GWB, and enough memories of Nixon to strike a cord with people.
Or am I just being over-optimistic because its a lovely "Indian Summer" afternoon here in Wales ;-(
The conservatives HATE Keith Olbermann. They even go out of their way to plant mis-information about him in their own media, about how he's some kind of "foaming-at-the-mouth liberal." It's funny really, the lies they can come up with. I've even read some pretty nasty conservative comments that wouldn't be appropriate to repeat here concerning him.
I've been a long-time viewer of his (three years now?) and am just as enamored of Rachel Maddow. The husband said last night even that he prefers Maddow's new show over Olbermann's. But Keith knows how to land a good right-hook to the jaw with his beautifully intellegent Special Comments. I've even posted the links now and again from my own blog.
I'm thinking that McCain interview was recent, wasn't it? Was it the Time Magazine one? I think I remember he did get tacky with the reporter too...McCain's temper needs to be put out there in the public as well.
What I heard re the McCain interview was that it was on an MSNBC morning show that normally is more conservative and they were putting questions to him about his lies during the campaign about Obama and wasn't this a departure from his promise to run a campaign on the issues.
He evidently got more and more snippy. They were discussing this on a panel on This Week about how McCain's temper and attitude is beginning to really put off reporters and like Nixon he is claiming the liberal press is against him.
I don't have television any more and caught Olbermann on YouTube videos. Must admit I watch ABC on line a lot because they really seem to cater to the web dependent among us. Would love to catch his whole program some time and Maddow's too.
And I agree the public needs to know about his temper. A video would be necessary I think.
McCain's flaky personality has received a fair bit of publicity here in the UK. It seems something that the Democrats should really be hammering home along the lines of "Do you want this guy to have his finger on the red button?"
The Welsh seldom go out in the mid-day sun, Jacqui. They lurk in the misty hills then swoop down on the mad English suffering from sunstroke ;-)
McCain's flaky personality has received a fair bit of publicity here in the UK. It seems something that the Democrats should really be hammering home along the lines of "Do you want this guy to have his finger on the red button?"
The Welsh seldom go out in the mid-day sun, Jacqui. They lurk in the misty hills then swoop down on the mad English suffering from sunstroke ;-)
Here's a link to last night's Rachel Maddow show with one of her guests, Senator Jim Webb of Virginia, it's labelled "Foreign Policy Problems?" They discuss not only McCain not understanding where Spain is and who their leader is, but also, at the end of the interview, he mentions something on McCain that he put brilliantly. It's a ten-minute clip but packed with information. Very illuminating. :)
I didn't realize that Spain was an adversary. And, no, I agree that we don't need McCain fingering any buttons. He probably doesn't even know where they are.
Thank you for that link djeseru. I found it a fascinating commentary. I had missed the Spain thing. I have to wonder considering his imprisonment as a POW if he suffered CBT from beatings, not to mention the crash. He often under stress shows a fogginess of mind that I have endured since my head injury. I would never presume to put myself into the Presidential race. And given his other health issues I think it is really, really, really stupid to have chosen Sarah Palin as a running mate.
I wonder if he will get stubborn with his own party which seems to be abandoning the ticket and shelve Palin for a wiser choice in the closing days of the campaign.
I agree, the Vietnam crash injuries and beatings could have affected in various underlying ways, as well as the obvious physical ones.
I'm surprised, given his medical history, that McCain was seen as a suitable Presidential candidate. Still more surprised that Palin was selected as running mate. Logically, an experienced "safe pair of hands" would have been the expected choice.
McCain I think was preferable to the Republican king makers because he was not Mormon and not Huckabee. His 'hero' status gets him by with being not merely a divorced candidate but one that committed adultery while married to a loyal but severely damaged woman.
I think he wanted Liberman but the party faithful were opposed since he was a turn coat. I think he chose Palin out of deep seated stubborn "F**k you-ness". And I have been waiting fr him to replace her when she is forced to withdraw because of Trouper gate or something.
I think she is being used. And ultimately there will be another VP like Romney or Liberman. But this gives Palin national attention, puts her into a position to be chosen for some cabinet post (Department of the Interior over our parks!!!! OMG) and places her in a perfect position to be the VP choice next election. I don't think McCain will last the term if elected. And currently here is a consortium of doctors wanting complete disclosure of his medical records.
I think it is all about staying in the Whitehouse and continuing current policies and preventing us from looking any closer at GW Bush and his crew.
If the medical records are adverse, then that, I think, would finish him, unless he ditched Palin, and brought in Romney or Leiberman. And even then, with the race so close, it could be enough to tip it squarely Obama's way.
Palin, I think, will sink without trace fairly quickly.
You're very welcome. I really enjoyed the last bit about Obama's calmness and confidence.
Palin is just a gimmick. Nor did it have the effect they wanted when they chose her: to sweep up the Hillary supporters. It didn't work. If anything, she made sure they're NOT going to vote for McCain. She's not exactly the "transparent" and "accountable" politician she sells herself as. TrooperGate has folded in on itself since all subpoenas, including Todd Palin's, are being ignored. We may get closure on that scandal after the election. If there was no wrong-doing, then why aren't they just resolving this and getting it off the table? Hmmm...
McCain wanted Lieberman but I think Rove may have talked him into going another direction. I also think that they believe she is malleable, which, seeing her operate, they are in for one huge surprise. What I'm looking forward to is getting Palin in the VP debate against Joe Biden: zero foreign policy experience up against a master of it. (*giggle* Extra points for when the republicans start saying he was being "sexist.")
Considering how many times McCain has said something and then said, "I never said that," or has said it's exact opposite...yeah, I believe that crashing 5 Navy planes and then being taken as POW may have altered his mental faculties. He can't even remember what he says from one day to the next.
Wait a minute! FIVE Navy planes? My father was an Air Force pilot in two wars. He always got the bomber back to base. Once not the base intended in the operation because it was too shot up. But he never lost a plane or a crew member and you are telling me in just his service in Vietnam (or did he also serve in Korea?) McCain lost five planes?
Sister, the boy had mental problems before he was a POW. How in hell is anyone allowing him to run for president?
Why aren't the media all over this like jam on toast?
Yes the VP debate should be interesting. Isn't the first presidential one tonight? But no way can them cram her full of foreign policy experience before she meets Biden. Chances are they are just going to have her memorize some standard but long non-reply replies like: "Well as you know on a clear day I can see Russian from my front porch and it is my considered opinion that we need to take a long hard look at our relationship vis a vis our two coast lines." Wait I forgot she probably speaks no foreign languages so scratch vis a vis.
"Vis a vis" is well beyond Sarah, Jacqui. Even if they taught it her, she would need constant reminding, and would probably say that it was deja vu all over again....
The interesting thing is whether McCain self-destructs before Election Day. Given the right interviewer, he just might. And if he blows,then Palin is ust toast.
At least we now know his secret plan to eliminate Bin Laden... by personally crashing a plane on him...
McCain is tres expensive. Five planes. I bet they were thrilled when he became a POW - the planes were safe. Who was his Daddy that he got to do this so much?
GW thinks he is a pilot but the Air National Guard was just so thrilled when he went AWOL. Daddy paid to hide those records as well as the five DWI's. Does anyone see a pattern here?
McCain's daddy was high-ranking Navy, as was his grandfather. You know, the typical military family. McCain himself admitted to being a self-centered jerk prior to becoming the POW we all "know and love" today. Anybody else would have been scraping bird-crap off of runways after crashing just one or two.
Any other candidate would have daily reminders of their past mistakes and faux-pas posted on air 24/7.
As for McCain self-destructing before Election Day...I'm getting my popcorn ready for the Debates!
The amazing, and indeed sinister aspect of all this is the "king's new clothes" attitude of most of the media towards McCain's military record. It was in fact pathetic, but lip-service is still paid to the idea that he actually knows what he is taking about on such matters thanks to his flying experience. What flying experience exactly?
So much for the most part, for a "free press". And the same conspiracy of silence on this subject is pretty apparent in the British media as well.
Crashing five planes. You do have to fly them to crash them. And he is as was pointed out in a previous comment from a long line of high ranking military men.
And sadly we are still paying for protesting the Vietnam war where it was construed by the Nixon administration that we were anti-soldier; those giving the last full measure of their devotion, etc.
So the left is very hesitant to be critical of anyone in uniform or who has worn a uniform. Just like with Palin where the Republicans have made everything said against her lack of experience sexist to say anything against a military man, even one you find in bed with a boy, is to be unpatriotic or aligned with the terrorists.
Kidding about the boy. If he is underage it would be hard to spin.
Not so sure even about the boy, Jacqui. They'd find a way... he probably would have leapt into the bed and pinned the poor protesting military chap down by the throat...
What a brilliant and devastating indictment! I didn't know of Keith Olberman, but I reckon that commentary should be compulsory viewing for every US voter.
ReplyDeleteIt was our Dr Samuel Johnson who said "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." And haven't both the Bush administration and the Blair government in the UK literally got away with murder by wrapping themselves in the national flags, and using "9/11tm" and imaginary WMD as an excuse for some of the most incompetent and calculatedly cynical acts in modern political history.
Blair repeatedly lied to the British people regarding WMD (riding on the back of 9/11 to do so). And one good man, the government adviser, Dr David Kelly, killed himself as a result because he couldn't live with those lies.
And "teflon" Blair rides it out, and now has the temerity to lecture us on world religions...
Of course 9/11tm is the perfect shield for the second rate like McCain and Palin to hide behind. Criticise them, and up will be raised "9/11tm" as a rebuke and suggestion of being unpatriotic.
And where exactly is Senator McCain's record of "knowing how to win wars". So far as I know, all he did was get shot down and captured in Vietnam... Not exactly Alexander the Great or Napoleon material, I'd hazard...
Sorry, Jacqui, that was a bit of a rant - just something I feel strongly about.
At least the news over here today suggests that Obama is pulling ahead again in the polls, so the lip-sticked pig may not be leaving her Alaskan sty after all ;-)
I think the part of this video I loved the best other than just the point he makes which agrees with what I have said that the Republicans use and abuse 9/11 is where he says that if McCain knows where Bin Laden is and knows how to get him he is a traitor to not tell the current administration how to do it. Makes him legally an accessory after the fact.
ReplyDeleteIndeed... what a complete load of "drivel" (to be polite), from McCain. The reality is that although there is approximate knowledge, at times, of what area of the Pakistani "tribal lands" Bin Laden is in, he's seldom in the same place for long. Certainly not long enough for McCain to send in the "She-Pirana" with her AK-47 (which I'd guess is most likely his "cunning plan.")
ReplyDeleteRe. MSNBC, Jacqui, I think you would enjoy Olbermann as well as Rachel Maddow. They provide a good counterpoint to Faux News. These two are far from conservative. Chris Matthews and David Gregory have seemed fairly even of late. The morning group does irritate me with the conservative tone that comes through.
ReplyDeleteGood post. Thank you.
I ended up watching several of his commentaries all the way back to April. And my friend had also recommended Rachel Maddow. But I was seriously looking for an interview with McCain on MSNBC (a morning show I believe) in which he was mercilessly grilled I understand and got quite hot under the collar.
ReplyDeleteIt was remarked upon by a political panel of reporters that advanced the theory that this has become standard behavior for him (sounds like Nixon) and it is not making any friends at all with the press.
Would you know of that interview?
I don't know of that interview. I wish I did. I'd love to hear if you do find it.
ReplyDeleteWow, he really said that well.
ReplyDeleteI really liked his logic and he even brought up a couple points I had not considered. I had tried to watch the tribute to 9/11 but found the images too horrific. But I had not been aware, since I was watching later on a video on the net, that it was played at a time that children could watch.
ReplyDeleteI have long thought the Republicans were using and abusing the victims of 9/11 but he pointed out the full extent of that abuse.
Over the top definitely.
I take it there isn't the kind of TV "watershed" with you, as there is here, which thoretically prevents certain things from being shown when children are likely to be watching (9pm here). The 9/11 footage would certainly, I think, have been one of the barred items.
ReplyDeleteMcCain is showing himself increasingly as both unprincipled and rather stupid. Palin is fraying around the edges, as more about her comes into the public domain. And Obama is inching back up in the polls.
There is still everything to play for.
Actually there is. And there was an informal agreement by all networks to show 9/11 footage only after a warning that the content was graphic. But the RNC got around that somehow. Probably lied,or presented the footage to late to review, or blackmailed.
ReplyDeleteThey got very good at the latter following 9/11 when advertising was pulled by Republican companies if they did not like the coverage Bush and 9/11 were getting. They forced anchors into retirement and denied whole networks access to war news, etc. if they misbehaved. Censorship that Hitler would have been proud of.
Fortunately, sometimes such tactics rebound. There ought to be enough disillusionment with GWB, and enough memories of Nixon to strike a cord with people.
ReplyDeleteOr am I just being over-optimistic because its a lovely "Indian Summer" afternoon here in Wales ;-(
The conservatives HATE Keith Olbermann. They even go out of their way to plant mis-information about him in their own media, about how he's some kind of "foaming-at-the-mouth liberal." It's funny really, the lies they can come up with. I've even read some pretty nasty conservative comments that wouldn't be appropriate to repeat here concerning him.
ReplyDeleteI've been a long-time viewer of his (three years now?) and am just as enamored of Rachel Maddow. The husband said last night even that he prefers Maddow's new show over Olbermann's. But Keith knows how to land a good right-hook to the jaw with his beautifully intellegent Special Comments. I've even posted the links now and again from my own blog.
I'm thinking that McCain interview was recent, wasn't it? Was it the Time Magazine one? I think I remember he did get tacky with the reporter too...McCain's temper needs to be put out there in the public as well.
What I heard re the McCain interview was that it was on an MSNBC morning show that normally is more conservative and they were putting questions to him about his lies during the campaign about Obama and wasn't this a departure from his promise to run a campaign on the issues.
ReplyDeleteHe evidently got more and more snippy. They were discussing this on a panel on This Week about how McCain's temper and attitude is beginning to really put off reporters and like Nixon he is claiming the liberal press is against him.
I don't have television any more and caught Olbermann on YouTube videos. Must admit I watch ABC on line a lot because they really seem to cater to the web dependent among us. Would love to catch his whole program some time and Maddow's too.
And I agree the public needs to know about his temper. A video would be necessary I think.
McCain's flaky personality has received a fair bit of publicity here in the UK. It seems something that the Democrats should really be hammering home along the lines of "Do you want this guy to have his finger on the red button?"
ReplyDeleteThe Welsh seldom go out in the mid-day sun, Jacqui. They lurk in the misty hills then swoop down on the mad English suffering from sunstroke ;-)
McCain's flaky personality has received a fair bit of publicity here in the UK. It seems something that the Democrats should really be hammering home along the lines of "Do you want this guy to have his finger on the red button?"
ReplyDeleteThe Welsh seldom go out in the mid-day sun, Jacqui. They lurk in the misty hills then swoop down on the mad English suffering from sunstroke ;-)
ReplyDeleteHere's a link to last night's Rachel Maddow show with one of her guests, Senator Jim Webb of Virginia, it's labelled "Foreign Policy Problems?" They discuss not only McCain not understanding where Spain is and who their leader is, but also, at the end of the interview, he mentions something on McCain that he put brilliantly. It's a ten-minute clip but packed with information. Very illuminating. :)
I didn't realize that Spain was an adversary. And, no, I agree that we don't need McCain fingering any buttons. He probably doesn't even know where they are.
Thank you for that link djeseru. I found it a fascinating commentary. I had missed the Spain thing. I have to wonder considering his imprisonment as a POW if he suffered CBT from beatings, not to mention the crash. He often under stress shows a fogginess of mind that I have endured since my head injury. I would never presume to put myself into the Presidential race. And given his other health issues I think it is really, really, really stupid to have chosen Sarah Palin as a running mate.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he will get stubborn with his own party which seems to be abandoning the ticket and shelve Palin for a wiser choice in the closing days of the campaign.
I agree, the Vietnam crash injuries and beatings could have affected in various underlying ways, as well as the obvious physical ones.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised, given his medical history, that McCain was seen as a suitable Presidential candidate. Still more surprised that Palin was selected as running mate. Logically, an experienced "safe pair of hands" would have been the expected choice.
McCain I think was preferable to the Republican king makers because he was not Mormon and not Huckabee. His 'hero' status gets him by with being not merely a divorced candidate but one that committed adultery while married to a loyal but severely damaged woman.
ReplyDeleteI think he wanted Liberman but the party faithful were opposed since he was a turn coat. I think he chose Palin out of deep seated stubborn "F**k you-ness". And I have been waiting fr him to replace her when she is forced to withdraw because of Trouper gate or something.
I think she is being used. And ultimately there will be another VP like Romney or Liberman. But this gives Palin national attention, puts her into a position to be chosen for some cabinet post (Department of the Interior over our parks!!!! OMG) and places her in a perfect position to be the VP choice next election. I don't think McCain will last the term if elected. And currently here is a consortium of doctors wanting complete disclosure of his medical records.
I think it is all about staying in the Whitehouse and continuing current policies and preventing us from looking any closer at GW Bush and his crew.
If the medical records are adverse, then that, I think, would finish him, unless he ditched Palin, and brought in Romney or Leiberman. And even then, with the race so close, it could be enough to tip it squarely Obama's way.
ReplyDeletePalin, I think, will sink without trace fairly quickly.
You're very welcome. I really enjoyed the last bit about Obama's calmness and confidence.
ReplyDeletePalin is just a gimmick. Nor did it have the effect they wanted when they chose her: to sweep up the Hillary supporters. It didn't work. If anything, she made sure they're NOT going to vote for McCain. She's not exactly the "transparent" and "accountable" politician she sells herself as. TrooperGate has folded in on itself since all subpoenas, including Todd Palin's, are being ignored. We may get closure on that scandal after the election. If there was no wrong-doing, then why aren't they just resolving this and getting it off the table? Hmmm...
McCain wanted Lieberman but I think Rove may have talked him into going another direction. I also think that they believe she is malleable, which, seeing her operate, they are in for one huge surprise. What I'm looking forward to is getting Palin in the VP debate against Joe Biden: zero foreign policy experience up against a master of it. (*giggle* Extra points for when the republicans start saying he was being "sexist.")
Considering how many times McCain has said something and then said, "I never said that," or has said it's exact opposite...yeah, I believe that crashing 5 Navy planes and then being taken as POW may have altered his mental faculties. He can't even remember what he says from one day to the next.
Wait a minute! FIVE Navy planes? My father was an Air Force pilot in two wars. He always got the bomber back to base. Once not the base intended in the operation because it was too shot up. But he never lost a plane or a crew member and you are telling me in just his service in Vietnam (or did he also serve in Korea?) McCain lost five planes?
ReplyDeleteSister, the boy had mental problems before he was a POW. How in hell is anyone allowing him to run for president?
Why aren't the media all over this like jam on toast?
Yes the VP debate should be interesting. Isn't the first presidential one tonight? But no way can them cram her full of foreign policy experience before she meets Biden. Chances are they are just going to have her memorize some standard but long non-reply replies like: "Well as you know on a clear day I can see Russian from my front porch and it is my considered opinion that we need to take a long hard look at our relationship vis a vis our two coast lines." Wait I forgot she probably speaks no foreign languages so scratch vis a vis.
"Vis a vis" is well beyond Sarah, Jacqui. Even if they taught it her, she would need constant reminding, and would probably say that it was deja vu all over again....
ReplyDeleteThe interesting thing is whether McCain self-destructs before Election Day. Given the right interviewer, he just might. And if he blows,then Palin is ust toast.
At least we now know his secret plan to eliminate Bin Laden... by personally crashing a plane on him...
McCain is tres expensive. Five planes. I bet they were thrilled when he became a POW - the planes were safe. Who was his Daddy that he got to do this so much?
ReplyDeleteGW thinks he is a pilot but the Air National Guard was just so thrilled when he went AWOL. Daddy paid to hide those records as well as the five DWI's. Does anyone see a pattern here?
McCain's daddy was high-ranking Navy, as was his grandfather. You know, the typical military family. McCain himself admitted to being a self-centered jerk prior to becoming the POW we all "know and love" today. Anybody else would have been scraping bird-crap off of runways after crashing just one or two.
ReplyDeleteAny other candidate would have daily reminders of their past mistakes and faux-pas posted on air 24/7.
As for McCain self-destructing before Election Day...I'm getting my popcorn ready for the Debates!
Yes, not that you mention it I think I read that. Yes, anyone else would be scraping up birdshit. And he is not a self-centered jerk now?
ReplyDeleteThe amazing, and indeed sinister aspect of all this is the "king's new clothes" attitude of most of the media towards McCain's military record. It was in fact pathetic, but lip-service is still paid to the idea that he actually knows what he is taking about on such matters thanks to his flying experience. What flying experience exactly?
ReplyDeleteSo much for the most part, for a "free press". And the same conspiracy of silence on this subject is pretty apparent in the British media as well.
Crashing five planes. You do have to fly them to crash them. And he is as was pointed out in a previous comment from a long line of high ranking military men.
ReplyDeleteAnd sadly we are still paying for protesting the Vietnam war where it was construed by the Nixon administration that we were anti-soldier; those giving the last full measure of their devotion, etc.
So the left is very hesitant to be critical of anyone in uniform or who has worn a uniform. Just like with Palin where the Republicans have made everything said against her lack of experience sexist to say anything against a military man, even one you find in bed with a boy, is to be unpatriotic or aligned with the terrorists.
Kidding about the boy. If he is underage it would be hard to spin.
Not so sure even about the boy, Jacqui. They'd find a way... he probably would have leapt into the bed and pinned the poor protesting military chap down by the throat...