Friday, September 26, 2008

Please Excuse Johnny from School

I, and all the late night comedians, cannot believe that John McCain has canceled his campaign because of the economic crisis. He asked for the meeting with Bush. He also only caused havoc with the bailout plan once he got involved. Currently it looks as if he is willing to deep six a bipartisan agreement in both houses just to prove he is not GW Bush. Or to take credit for the bill that is finally passed?

Or could Johnny just be totally unprepared for the debate? It was suppose to be on foreign policy his strong suit but when he canceled Obama maintained that this was the time Americans needed to see their future leaders. And any future leader ought to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. So why not change the topic of the debate to economics? Something McCain knows little about per his statement but enough he has to run home to Washington to shape the discussion. Or protect his fat cat friends like he did Keating in the Savings and Loan debacle of the previous Bush?

He said he was canceling all campaigning because of this crisis but all his negative smear ads are still running. He canceled Letterman but did an interview with Katy Curic. He wanted Obama and him to make a joint announcement about the suspension and then jumped the gun and did one on his own without waiting for a reply. In that he said he would continue the debate if an agreement was in place by Friday and it could have been. It looked like it yesterday afternoon. McCain screwed the pooch.

If this whole thing is a campaign ploy or trick because of falling poll numbers it is ill conceived and even the Republicans don't understand what he is doing. And risking the world's financial stability because of a few points in the polls sounds very GW Bush. Very egotistic.

But could there be another explanation. Is Johnny sick? Walter Reed Hospital is in the DC area. I imagine his doctors are either there or in Arizona. Going back home during a crisis plays even less well then going to Washington where until he had Bush call the meeting he was not needed and not even wanted.

Given the concerns about his age and health he cannot call the campaign and the debate off just to stay home sick for a couple days. And while Obama can go to DC to meet with he President and leave Biden to his campaign appearances, John cannot let Palin off on her own. So he obviously does not have confidence in her stepping into his shoes on the campaign trail. How can we believe in her to step into the presidency?

And how is Johnny's health? I think not good.


  1. This is an interesting theory. Is there anything specific that makes you suspect he is ill?

    It does seem likely to be a political ploy. But if that's the case, this potential president shows a great willingness to gamble with the safety and security of this country and by extension, the entire world. It's unconscionable.

  2. Been watching a lot of streamed videos of his appearances lately (probably why my ISP says I have a fat download) and his behavior has been erratic. He has also backed out of questions with press and misspoke on numerous occasions. All which can be indicators of stress but he has dealt well with the campaign stress. Something more?

    Stress can also activate the symptoms of CBT (closed brain trauma) which I certainly think he must have given 5 crashes and abuse in a prisoner of war camp.

    But all the symptoms he has been showing - unfinished thoughts, not remembering his last lie or any of his past at times, stuttering when a question is put to him, anger when he is asked a question can also be symptoms of a minor brain incident - mild stroke. He is certainly of an age that can be expected even without out factoring in the CBT which makes you more likely to have strokes.

    I also thought his announcement was extremely slow paced in the reciting of it. And rushed in the sense he did not wait for Obama to answer the request for a joint statement. He nixed an interview which would call for quick comeback in favor of an interview with scripted questions. He would certainly not fare well in a debate.

    All circumstantial evidence I must admit but I cannot shake off the feeling that something is not right with him. He has even turned over the majority of speaking to Palin. You would think she was running for president.

  3. Hard to tell on his health, because of the injuries suffered in air crashes/POW. But he certainly doesn't strilke me as being fit enough either for strenuous campaigning or the Presidency.

    And the chickens are coming home to roost over his choice of the power-hungry Palin as running mate. Ambition without ability is a dangerous combination, especially for one's own side. I seem to rember Napoleon , in his ranking of the different characteristics of generals, rating that among the worst.

  4. McCain seems to have finally gotten the message that nobody wants him in the negotiations. He almost tobbled the whole house of cards.

    So chased out of DC, and with all the flack he is taking even from his own staff for this ill conceived move, he has decided to debate. I really cannot believe anyone can spin the last 48 hours to his benefit but it should be interesting to watch them try.

    I think he is losing it. He clearly did this without considering it and pulled a GW Bush (I will invade Iraq WMD or not) which does not bode well for his leadership style.

    Wish I could watch he debate tonight but I have a reception where I am the featured artist.
