Tuesday, December 16, 2008

That Made My Day

I know we as Americans are all suppose to be insulted that such disrespect was shown to our President. But not me. Had the threat of Gitmo not hung over my head I might have tried it myself but I only wear a size 6. I am only sorry the old man still has some cowboy reflexes left and he ducked.

I suppose this blog could get me sent to Gitmo - giving aid and comfort to the enemy - the shoe thrower. I understand Cheney is still in favor of keeping Gitmo open and recommends waterboarding as a useful tool. Threaten me with drowning and I will tell you anything - even where the reporter buys his shoes to throw. I recommend steel toed and with taps. Among other things they are nicely weighted for accuracy when thrown.

I think the most disturbing part of this whole incident was the followup interview with Bush. One, he definitely needed his hair combed. And, Two, he did not get it at all. We have got to stop electing delusional people to office. You can included Illinois governors in that statement.

I dug myself out in the middle of the snow storm yesterday to run and get some things from the market. Snowy weather makes me crave clam chowder. Don't ask. And while standing in the check out line with all the other people craving their own snow storm comfort food I perused the titles of articles in the magazines. There was a sad deficit in space aliens and "she is having my baby" articles so I wound up reading the cover of Time Magazine. Almost bought it but it seemed so much more fun to wonder what was covered under the following article titles (heavily paraphrased): Why Obama is looked to as President, and Why Nobody is Looking at Bush as President. Don't they just beg lists?

Sorry Time if I did not get the titles exactly right. My mind was too busy already forming lists. I am still making lists only now I have gotten to paper. Maybe I will buy the magazine when I can dig myself out and see how close I have come to their reporter's concept. Number one on both lists: Nobody has thrown a shoe at Obama, and They threw a shoe at Bush.


  1. I heard someone (I'm sorry I can't remember who) on TV say it about right the other day. It went something like this: To say we can only have one president at a time, seriously overstates the number of presidents we have right at this moment.

  2. LOL.

    And we once did not swear in a President until March! Yesterday the electoral college voted. And I think it is about January 6th when the House of Representatives validates that vote. Still we wait until the 20th to swear the new one in.

    If a crisis happened who would the American people look to? And could the House decide to certify the vote early? Could they even vote to have him sworn in early?

  3. bekkieann, that so-true statement was made by Rep. Barney Frank...I loved how the reporters laughed when he said it. =)

    As for airborne shoes, I wondered aloud last night if Laura Bush is a thrower of objects. That guy is just way-too practiced in the art of avoidance. And the automatic smirk during the duck.

    With all the midnight regulations and "burrow" appointments, I get the feeling the current administration doesn't really want anyone looking at them. Well, unless you're into revisionist history...

  4. Funny - I had the same thoughts as djeseru re Laura Bush - he has obviously ducked several times before!! I was amused though when I heard anchors talking yesterday morning about the time Pat Buchanan was drenched in salad dressing - he was there too and told the tale! then later in the evening I saw a clip (several clips) of it!! I thought they'd never stop showing clips of GWB's ducking act.
    Jacqui - there is a crisis - GWB is still in the white House AND he refused to allow the Obama family to move into the guest house in order that the girls could have started school on time! He deserved to have the whole of Pay less thrown at him! Shoddy shoes for a shoddy man!

  5. I must admit I missed that little item about the girls having to start school late. Course I transferred schools three times in the second grade due to Dad's military service and I turned out alright.

    Check out YouTube for all the comedy skits on the shoe event. Too bad it wasn't a horse shoe.

  6. Me too!
    Eight schools between 6 and 14 & I think I turned out ok too! Others may want to debate that!!
